I don’t know if it’s a Symantec update or a Spotify update but one of them thinks the other is b0rken.
I don’t know if it’s a Symantec update or a Spotify update but one of them thinks the other is b0rken.
I just had a very Douglas Adamsy moment. There's a passage i love in one of his books where there's a big hole in the space ship but the hole in question also knocked out the sensor that would have told the monitor computer that there's a piece of the space ship missing. Which causes the maintenance robot to fall through the hole in the space ship because it does not know it exists.
The moral of the story? Monitor your monitors.The case in question? Email. I have two email accounts that i use, one with the gmail domain name and one on my vanity domain. I actively use the Gmail account because i got it first, but i use the vanity email address for all outgoing mail regardless from which email address i send it. This means that when i send mail from Gmail, the replies get sent to the vanity domain which are automagically forwarded back to my Gmail account. It's a bit of a hack, but it has worked so far.
But oh.